Posted June 16, 2021 ........
It has been over a year since Covid-19 shook the world, leaving everyone with doubts and uncertainty about overcoming this pandemic that raged like a wildfire. No one prepared for it, yet the world is gradually pulling through. Yes, there is now some rays of light at the end of the tunnel!
As professionals within the BIPOC community, we have faced several and still face lots of challenges. We often have to work twice as hard to prove that we do merit our various roles and positions. We have got the unconscious biases, stereotypes, and the glass ceilings!
Friends, now is the time to shatter those glass ceilings. Now is the time to remove every limiting barrier that is standing in our way. It is not about our Skin colour; it’s about our Skillsets.
What we have now is our present to make a difference in our society. We can’t wait for the ‘Perfect time’ to act. The right, perfect and best time is NOW!
We are ready for this vision, we are ready for this work and we are ready for this challenge.
Are You Ready?
Join us and let’s rock the future together.
That Future is NOW.